1. Improve your mental Diet
Your diet is isn’t just what you eat.It’s what you watch,what you read,who you follow and who you spend time with.
Remove the jink from your Diet.
2. Learn to let people down
Your mental health is more important than other people’s opinions.If taking care of you means letting someone down,then let someone down.
3.Make replacements
Real self care requires replacement.Replace Netflix with sleep.Replace toxic friends with mentors.Replace complaining with gratitude.Replace blame with responsibility.Replace overthinking with action.
4. Set clear boundaries,and protect them.
You don’t lose real friends,real opportunities or real relationships when you start standing up for yourself and set clear boundaries.
You lose abusers,manipulators,attention seekers.
5.Look forward at your future not back at your past.
You have to look forward to move forward.Don’t keep searching for happiness in same toxic people.